Sunday, April 26, 2009

I can sense that you're a terrific lover, and it intimidates me a litte...

That pick up line is genius. Genius. I don't understand why people don't utilise the classic pick up line more, I mean what's not to love? Sure, awkwardness and all round stupidity can arise from pick up lines but when one works, awesome! I personally haven't used the humble pick up line just because I don't need to. My pure attractiveness just draws all of the boys in... Not really but if it did then how high would my self-esteem be??

According to the Bible of knowledge, Wikipedia, "a pick up line is a conversation opener with the intent of engaging an unfamiliar person for sex, romance, or dating." Even the Wiki definition just sounds awkward.

 Sadly, no one has ever used a pick up line on me (well not that I can remember) but I think that the chances of success are slim. For me anyway. I'm more of a play hard to get kind of gal. If pick up lines were wittier (I like the witty man) maybe the rate of success would be greater? What can I say? I'm no expert in that area. The dictionary on my B-E-A-U-Tiful MacBook Pro (Apple is getting some cut through here) does not seem to have a definition for pick up line. Disappointed. Here I thought that Mac was all knowing but then again I'm pretty sure that Windows doesn't even have a dictionary.... Am I right Windows owners??? Back in the day when I owned Windows XP Home Edition it sure didn't have a dictionary and I'm assuming that it still doesn't now. I'm too pro-Mac. I've been converted and I'm loving it. I'm off on a tangent again which is so me. I should really stop that but then again you're heading, reading all of the stupid and pointless shit that comes out of my brain (aka excellence in my mind).

I should actually go and do my assignment on guerilla advertising but I'm so cbf right now and the chocolate I bought from Aldi today is too good to stop eating. I'm going to break that scales one day but then again you only live once don't you?? P.S exercise kiddies!!

Sayonara! E xoxo

The Best Things In Life Are Free

Storms are possibly my favourite thing ever

Hot damn eating is probably the best thing in the world!!

Singing like a mofo.

Dancing like a politician

And who could forget drinking???

A Poem To Jomerson


Ocular bleeding


Extra curricular activities include: all things martial arts

Raging hormones


Offers to kill you


This is the word of the Lord Jomerson, thanks be to God.

Mary Poppins' Worst Nightmare

Forecast for the rest of sunday

Mostly cloudy. Scattered showers with local hail and thunder. Winds northwesterly averaging up to 55 km/h, increasing up to 80 km/h during the morning then tending westerly in the early afternoon. Winds gradually easing in the evening.

I cannot even begin to describe the sheer amount of wind that is outside of my college room window right now. Well actually at this point in time its died down a little bit BUT beforehand it was practically gale force. Twister anyone??

I think I would be making an understatement if I said I had a lot of work to do today. My assignment/ presentation isn't until thursday but because my best friend FO life is flying down from Syderrzz therefore I won't actually get any work done. Then again, I "need" to go to Savers and Aldi. I don't understand the fascination between Aldi and the world. I LOVE brand names. I guess one day I will be selling them won't I so when it comes to foreign discount supermarket non-brand name chains, I'm a little hesitant. But I must say I am quick to judge and their selection of chocolately confectionary is superb. Normally foreign things excite me- Ikea (holy shit I love Ikea like a Swedish person loves their Swedish meatballs you can buy in bulk from Ikea), Kikki K (their stationary is amazing- and SWEDISH!!)- but when it comes to groceries I don't know. Maybe because there was only one Aldi store in my area back home. I really don't know where I'm going with this at all. Maybe I should write about how much I love Ikea and its Swedishness in general. I've always wondered if there is one really big ass Ikea in Sweden. How doi would that be!??

E. xoxo (P.S if anyone wants to know what doi means then just go onto Urban Dictionary and look that shizz up even though their definition means something completely different to what my meaning is.

Yes, I'm Depressed Playlist

I was hella depressed this past week, I don't know why. I'm a girl. Isn't it my job to be moody??? Well, I created this playlist on iTunes which I would like to think is mofoin' epic in terms of sad playlists. Having a good singalong to a depressing song always cheers me up ironically. Here's a slice of my depressing life....

1. Yesterday by The Beatles

2. Don't Dream It's Over by Crowded House

3. Warwick Avenue by Duffy

4. Hallelujah by Jeff Buckley

5. Open All Night by You Am I

Believe it or not, it's actually quite hard trying to make yourself cry.

E xoxo

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Strut Of Shame: Genesis

After a long and hardcore night of watching The Lion King, I wonder, why am I so fucked up? I used to recreate the epic fight/ drama scenes from this film with my younger brother and I must say after a re-watch, I was fucking pro at being a dying Mufasa. Soooo. Strut of shame. We created a Twitter account tonight. A launching pad for the UC QQ's and just other random shit that comes out of my brain. You should get on that shizz. I recommend it. 

I don't actually have anything interesting to say. My friend, Q, mentioned that she had a blog and thus I felt compelled to have one. Q is hawt bitch. Correction, hawt Asian bitch. I'm pretty proud of our Twitter account and just me in general I think. Random shit comes out of my head and thus I must write about it to the interwebs because I know that they will instantly be turned off and somewhat attracted to me and my thoughts. 

My "friend" A just said "Seriously, before I met you, I thought I was the weird one." What the jizz, A??? So I come from up north? Got a problem? Are Sydneysiders really that deranged? No. Just me.

Probs the most important thing. I'm Asian. Well half Asian anyway. Therefore, Eurasian= mother fucking hot bitch or so I've been told (by my optometrist and other randoms).

You may be curious as to the title of this blog. Well, if you were mofoin' Twitter stalking me, then you would know!!!!!!!! I have top model potential and I'm not afraid to talk about it.

Well, anyway.... I should have more stuff to say later on in life just because at this current point I'm not very interesting and there is a shizz load of people in my room. One more and it would be a party.... Lolz UC. Anyho, heartz all babez. BTW heartz abbreevz.

Keep strutting. Keep shaming.

E xoxo