Sunday, April 26, 2009

I can sense that you're a terrific lover, and it intimidates me a litte...

That pick up line is genius. Genius. I don't understand why people don't utilise the classic pick up line more, I mean what's not to love? Sure, awkwardness and all round stupidity can arise from pick up lines but when one works, awesome! I personally haven't used the humble pick up line just because I don't need to. My pure attractiveness just draws all of the boys in... Not really but if it did then how high would my self-esteem be??

According to the Bible of knowledge, Wikipedia, "a pick up line is a conversation opener with the intent of engaging an unfamiliar person for sex, romance, or dating." Even the Wiki definition just sounds awkward.

 Sadly, no one has ever used a pick up line on me (well not that I can remember) but I think that the chances of success are slim. For me anyway. I'm more of a play hard to get kind of gal. If pick up lines were wittier (I like the witty man) maybe the rate of success would be greater? What can I say? I'm no expert in that area. The dictionary on my B-E-A-U-Tiful MacBook Pro (Apple is getting some cut through here) does not seem to have a definition for pick up line. Disappointed. Here I thought that Mac was all knowing but then again I'm pretty sure that Windows doesn't even have a dictionary.... Am I right Windows owners??? Back in the day when I owned Windows XP Home Edition it sure didn't have a dictionary and I'm assuming that it still doesn't now. I'm too pro-Mac. I've been converted and I'm loving it. I'm off on a tangent again which is so me. I should really stop that but then again you're heading, reading all of the stupid and pointless shit that comes out of my brain (aka excellence in my mind).

I should actually go and do my assignment on guerilla advertising but I'm so cbf right now and the chocolate I bought from Aldi today is too good to stop eating. I'm going to break that scales one day but then again you only live once don't you?? P.S exercise kiddies!!

Sayonara! E xoxo

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